A sarcastic blog about the funny things in life.

If you wanted more than 1 present in December, celebrate Hanukkah.

Santa Garm Santa Garm~ yelled the players of Megaten, Why don’t you give us more presents? Obviously we are all spoiled brats, and can’t figure out that all the other games besides ours has given out only 1 present per day for their Christmas events and we were the only ones who were given more. Now, before I get assraped by all the people who say I’m just supporting Aeria because I’m a GS, I’ll give you a big fat no.

Yes I do agree that Aeria should’ve made a notice on how many prizes were being given away. And yes, I did go the GM’s as soon as I heard about this and outright complained to them about how unexpected this was and how there needs to be a message about it on the next thread. But that’s right, I’m always in love with Aeria and agree with them 100% of the time. Keep fapping away at that fantasy; if only you knew the truth.



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